Local News

Border specialists intercept world’s most destructive pests at Port of Norfolk

U.S. Customs and Border Protection agriculture specialists at the Port of Norfolk recently discovered dead larva and cast skins of the Khapra beetle in a shipment of rice from United Arab Emirates, the second time this invasive pest has been discovered at the port. The shipment was diverted to Norfolk from Newark due to hurricane Sandy.

Registration open for spring 2013 semester at LFCC

Registration is open for the Spring 2013 Session at Lord Fairfax Community College.

Works of LFCC art professor exhibited in New York

Lord Fairfax Community College art professor Wayne Paige has an exhibition of his work on display through Nov. 24th at the Phoenix Gallery in New York City.

LFCC Student Union Building groundbreaking set for Nov. 28

Lord Fairfax Community College will hold a groundbreaking event for construction of the new Student Union Building on Wednesday, Nov. 28 at 3 p.m.

Luray announces recycling schedule changes for week of Thanksgiving

The following changes in recycling pickup dates have been made to accomodate the Thanksgiving Holiday.

Page County Sheriff’s Office receives state grant

The Page County Sheriff’s Office received a 2013 Selective Enforcement-Alcohol Grant from the Department of Motor Vehicles for $10,100.

LFCC students win awards at regional forensics competition

Seven LFCC Forensics Team members received awards at the Collegiate Forensics Association Tournament held at Morgan State University on November 9-11. As a team, LFCC placed 4th out of the 9 colleges and universities in attendance.

LFCC accepting nominations for ‘Walking King’s Talk’ awards

Lord Fairfax Community College LFCC is accepting nominations for the Tenth Annual “Walking King’s Talk” Award.

Works of artist Jessica Sheehan Smith exhibited at LFCC

Lord Fairfax Community College will be showing the work of mixed media artist Jessica Sheehan Smith through November 23rd.

Castillo sees movement toward immigration reform

After a June 2012 announcement by President Obama to grant “deferred action” to undocumented youth, Isabel Castillo ‘07 applied for authorization to work and live legally in the United States for the first time in her life. She also began assisting many others with similar applications.