
Chris Marston: Go ‘Hoos!

Virginia Tech students are Willie Nelson-worshiping rednecks who bathe every other Saturday night and have, on the average, 14.8 teeth. Virginia students are pampered, rich brats who talk like Thurston Howell III and major in yachting.

Jenn Savedge: Thanksgiving style – traditional or experimental?

A few days ago, I saw an unusual recipe online for Grilled urkey with Celery Walnut Pesto sauce. It looked amazing. But my first thought was that my family would absolutely revolt if I tried to sneak such an unusual recipe onto the holiday table. Pesto in lieu of gravy? Unheard of!

Chris Marston: Paying it forward

I would do just about anything for the people that I love. Anything. It is true – in fact it is probably my greatest weakness struggle to set boundaries. I put myself last. Quite frankly, I enjoy ignoring my own untended messes in order to help others clean theirs, leaving my own life in occasional (okay steady) disarray.

Jenn Savedge: Should schools be closed during flu outbreaks?

New report finds that closing schools during a flu epidemic could halt the spread of the illness and keep people out of the emergency room.

Bill Bolling: What lessons we can learn from 2012 election

I wanted to share with you my thoughts on how the 2012 elections have affected the 2013 campaign for Governor of Virginia. There are many lessons to be learned from the 2012 campaign, and we have a lot of work to do to ensure that we win the Governor’s race in 2013.

Liz Updike: How Washington can help small business

With the 2012 elections now finished, it’s time that President Obama and Congress pay attention to what small business owners and entrepreneurs need and promote policies that will encourage growth on Main Street. One step the federal government needs to explore is expanding the range of eligible key investments that are exempt from capital gains taxes in small business from only C corporations to LLCs, consulting, financial services, IT, and engineering companies.

Andy Schmookler: The GOP’s troubled connection with reality

Last week provided an interesting glimpse into the political right’s pathological dishonesty (and Rachel Maddow did an excellent job of calling attention to it). It turns out that the liars are prone to lying to themselves.

Morris Reid: It’s time to get back to work in Washington

With President Obama being re-elected, now is the time for the President and Congress to get back to work. The 2012 campaigns have ended and now it is time to stop the name calling, bickering and double talk and instead to work together to solve problems that our country faces.

Chris Marston: Reasons to be thankful, indeed

Oh, am I happy that I live here in Page County Virginia. Oh am I happy to have mayors like Barry Presgraves, Doug Purdham and Clinton Lucas. For everything that it has to offer for aspiring artists, business tycoons, political and sports megastars, New York has nothing on Page County specifically with the rational of its mayors.

Chris Marston: Veterans Day Perspective

I’m not from a military family. I do not have memories of my dad serving as a flight medic in a helicopter unit, or my mom leading combat forces, of family days at the armory, having my own family military ID, of shopping at a PX, learning the difference between a post and a base and memorizing the military alphabet.