
Registration open for spring 2013 semester at LFCC

Registration is open for the Spring 2013 Session at Lord Fairfax Community College.

Works of LFCC art professor exhibited in New York

Lord Fairfax Community College art professor Wayne Paige has an exhibition of his work on display through Nov. 24th at the Phoenix Gallery in New York City.

Jenn Savedge: Thanksgiving style – traditional or experimental?

A few days ago, I saw an unusual recipe online for Grilled urkey with Celery Walnut Pesto sauce. It looked amazing. But my first thought was that my family would absolutely revolt if I tried to sneak such an unusual recipe onto the holiday table. Pesto in lieu of gravy? Unheard of!

Chris Marston: Paying it forward

I would do just about anything for the people that I love. Anything. It is true – in fact it is probably my greatest weakness struggle to set boundaries. I put myself last. Quite frankly, I enjoy ignoring my own untended messes in order to help others clean theirs, leaving my own life in occasional (okay steady) disarray.

AAA backs McDonnell on gas-tax hike

AAA Mid-Atlantic today applauded Gov. Bob McDonnell’s announcement that he would consider raising Virginia’s gas tax during the 2013 General Assembly Session, despite the objections the proposal is sure to encounter.

Sheriffs’ Association applauds board move on pregnant prisoner restraints

The Virginia Sheriffs’ Association applauds the recent action taken by the Virginia Board of Corrections addressing concerns on the restraint of pregnant prisoners while in the custody of local and regional jails.

Virginia Senate Democrats call for Special Session to address creation of health-insurance exchange

State Senate Democrats called on Tuesday for a special legislative Session to create a state health insurance exchange as provided for under the Affordable Care Act.

Sen. Webb cosponsors bipartisan legislation to help individuals with disabilities save for the future

Sen. Jim Webb (D-Va.) co-sponsored the bipartisan Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) Act, a bill that will allow people with disabilities to more easily save for necessary expenses.

Press Conference: Frank Beamer

Virginia Tech football coach Frank Beamer talks with the news media in advance of his team’s game with in-state rival Virginia on Saturday.

Dramatic rally lifts JMU to one-point win

Freshman guard Charles Cooke (Trenton, N.J./Trenton Catholic) sank two free throws with eight seconds left to cap a wild sequence as James Madison pulled out a 69-68 win over Youngstown State on Tuesday afternoon as part of the Progressive Legends Classic at Duquesne’s A.J. Palumbo Center.