
For information on advertising, contact:
Chris Marston


Founded in 2012, is updated daily with news, features and op-eds from the entire political spectrum as well as sports and community events.

In addition to insightful columns and perspective, readers are also invited to weigh in on the subjects themselves through our Comment feature.


Advertise on

Monthly Rate Annual Rate Size
$150.00 $1500.00 4″ wide × 2.5″ tall
$300.00 $3000.00 4″ wide × 5″ tall

- Ads should be sent at 72 dpi.
- Ads should be sent in RGB color
- Animated ads must be pre-approved.
Finished ads should be sent to .


Leaderboard Advertising

Placement Monthly Rate Annual Rate Size
Top $500.00 $5000.00 728×90 pixels
Center $400.00 $4000.00 728×90 pixels
Bottom $300.00 $3000.00 728×90 pixels

- Ads should be sent at 72 dpi.
- Ads should be sent in RGB color
- Animated ads must be pre-approved.
Finished ads should be sent to .


Free Press Newsletter Advertising

Weekly Rate Monthly Rate Annual Rate Size
$50.00 $150.00 $1500.00 600 px by 400 px

- Ads should be sent at 72 dpi.
- Ads should be sent in RGB color
- Animated ads must be pre-approved.
Finished ads should be sent to .


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To pay for advertising by credit card over the phone, please call . You may also make payment via PayPal online. Send payment to .